What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

Published by Teresa Milner, Wealth Advisor Ladies, let’s talk about money. Are you comfortable discussing money? Do you shy away from a conversation regarding your money because you feel you’re not smart enough to talk about it? Do you lack the confidence to discuss money matter …

Charitable Planning with a Donor-Advised Fund

Like many Americans, most of our clients are charitably inclined, having grown up with a tradition of some level of family philanthropy. Whether it’s giving back to their church, being involved in their community or sponsoring their favorite charity, Americans share in a charity’s focus of …

Investment Banking & Asset Management: What’s the Difference?

To avoid the common confusion that lies between investment banking and asset management, let’s first look at what each of these fields truly is.

The True Value of a Financial Advisor

As an advisor, we get tasked with the burden of proof as to why someone should pay us to give them advice. If clients can do it all themselves or hire a computer to invest, what is the true value of having a financial advisor? Is it really worth it?

Your Family Index Number: Defining Your Future With Confidence

Long-term financial security is a goal most investors aspire to, yet accomplished individuals and families know that attaining this objective requires more than hard work and luck. Check out our free guide which discusses how a personalized and focused approach begins with determining your …

Seven Financial Actions to Consider Before 2017

Published by Scott Ford The last months of the year are always hectic due to the holidays, end-of-the-year projects at work, and, in terms of this year, a heated presidential election. While you likely have plenty on your plate, don’t neglect your financial strategies. Review these seven ac …

Investing in Yourself is The Best Decision for The Future

Published by Teresa Milner A young lady was referred to me for my financial services this past month. We got together for lunch and by the end of our time together, she may have felt more like she was speaking to her mother. The more she shared her current situation, the more I realized she …


For Millennials, managing life and finances comes with challenges, especially those like balancing college debt with home ownership and having important goals like saving for retirement. Download this free guide for tips on how Millennials can get started on the path to the confident financ …

Did you lock that mortgage rate in? Did you move from stocks to bonds?

Published by Jason Comes, Wealth Advisor Most voters were caught off-guard last month when President Elect Donald Trump won the election. And yes, many Wall Street firms were wrong about their stock market predictions if Trump won as well. After the initial election night scare, all of the …

Earlier is Better

Anyone who understands the time value of money understands that when it comes to investing, earlier is better. And yes, anyone would encourage you to the fullest of their ability to invest as soon as you can. But how do we invest early?

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