Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Changed Things More Than You Realize

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made a lot of changes. It was the single largest tax reform bill in nearly 30 years. However, the impact of the TCJA might be a lot broader than most realize. Almost every small business owner in the country is impacted by a new tax deduction called 199A.

How Can I Donate in the Most Efficient Way Possible?

There are many ways to give to nonprofit organizations – from dropping off your old couch at Goodwill to volunteering at the local soup kitchen. When it comes to giving money, there are many personal benefits, both emotional and financial.

From Washington to Your Wallet: How the Federal Funds Rate Affects Personal Finance

If you’ve watched the headlines at all in the last month, you know the markets aren’t sitting still. From the worst Christmas Eve on record to the Dow’s largest jump ever just a few days later – losses and gains seem to have less pattern every day. Experts are divided on how 2019 will look, …

4 Steps to a Retirement Savings Plan that Goes Beyond your 401(k)

I had first met him and his family a few months back. He’s in his late 60s, but you would never have guessed it – there’s an abundant energy and youth about him. In that initial meeting, he stated that he would never retire.

3 Steps to Financial Independence: Ready Yourself for Retirement

The most basic goal should be to arrive at “your figure” for financial independence – or as I like to say, that time when I can work because I feel like it and not because I must. The problem is, many people aren’t hitting that goal – or even know how to set that goal.

The 4 Pitfalls of No Plan

There are some things in life you just can’t plan for: an unexpected illness, job loss, death of spouse, disability…While these major events can impact your life, having an effective game plan can help ensure that it doesn’t ruin your financial well-being.

If It Doesn’t Challenge You, It Won’t Change You . . .

Published by Teresa Milner Have you ever participated in a fitness challenge? The purpose of the challenge is to help you accomplish your fitness goals; i.e., losing weight, increasing muscle mass, etc. The same concept can be applied to money challenges. Money challenges can be used to acc …

Pass the Turkey! – Financial Tips for the Season of Giving

As the year begins its close, traditions start to appear. From the silverware for feasts, to the tacky lawn decorations the kids love, to the choice of holiday movies, traditions remind us of who we are. There’s a story behind almost every detail, whether it’s grandma’s antique table runner …

Improving The Traditionally Allocated Portfolio

Published by Tyler Schlumpf We’re going to introduce a few mathematical concepts in this article that are crucial to building a portfolio. For those that are already moving their cursor up to the X in the right hand corner, just stick with it! These concepts, whether we choose to learn them …

Spending Habits of Thirty-Somethings: How Do You Measure Up?

No matter how delayed your maturity was or if you were one of the few responsible twenty-year-olds, you can’t deny it; you are now an adult. Measuring up used to be called “Keeping up with the Joneses” and now it is called “social media scrolling.”

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